Tuesday, September 25, 2012

How are you being read today?

How are you being read today?

At my Great Aunt’s burial this weekend, my cousin approached me and said, “I just want to thank you”. As my eyebrows started to rise, he said, “It is because of you that I am a Preacher today”. With my eyebrows completely raised by this time he reminded me, “Remember the Bible that you gave me?” He continued, “The one that you were going to give to your Dad?”

My thoughts immediately went back to that day. My cousin and I were riding around
town; he had just been released out of the military and was a die-hard Marine. I am not sure how we entertained the subject of Jesus, but you know how God allows things to happen. :-) I had a Pocket Bible with me that day - a very nice leather one with a clasp. My cousin remembered correctly; I had actually purchased that Bible for my Dad.

My Mom, Dad and I had many Bibles, but I had a pocket one and so did my Mom. I wanted my Dad to have one, as well. So, I thought nothing about giving it to my cousin - after all, I said to myself that I could always buy another Bible. That one action of my sharing the Bible along with the Good News, led to him sharing and subsequently blessing many others.

It encourages me to stop and reflect about how truly blessed we are as Christians in America today. We may have many Bibles, and in other countries; they are being persecuted for having just one. And yet even still in other countries, they may longing to be able to read His Holy Word, but have no Bible at all.

Therefore, I am humble and very grateful to God for allowing me to be able to drop that Great Seed of the Good News to my cousin many years ago. Someone else may have come along to water it or even still, God may have watered it Himself. I am just so grateful to be obedient to God's leading.

You never know who you may touch and like the old saying goes, "You may be the only Bible that someone will ever read". With that said, "How are you being read?"

-- Kia Sunshine

Copyright © 2012 Anointed One Ministries

Monday, September 24, 2012

Blessed Assurance! Jesus is Mine!

... Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine! Heir of salvation, purchase of God, Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood. Hallelujah!!!